Friday, October 23, 2009

12:45 pm

Wooo! Lookit the skirt!
(Ignore the messy room)

Now some lace around the edges, and I'm also considering doing some more interesting ruffly things before adding a purse handle to give it a more steampunky edge ;)

October 23, 2009. 11:00 am

My pile of lace for the bottom of the skirt:

This is the skirt so far. I took a pattern and 'halfed' the pieces so that I could get the alternating look here. Elastic in the top, obviously. The hem is going to be all lace, including some of the lace I put on the sleeves.

Ah, and here's a matching necklace I made with all the doo-dads I bought at various craft stores :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Whew! It's been a while...but it's october and this needs to get done by the 31st :P

I bought a nice little bodice thing that I think I love, and I'm going to use that instead of making my own and focus instead on the skirt (starting now.)

Skirt time! So much fabric everywhere!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Time for an Update, methinks :)

Yep, the shirt is (almost) done - just need to hem the sleeves and fix up the bottom because it's way too long. No, I don't have a picture to go along with it. All I have to say is that I added lace and a band where elastic is supposed to go - but I put ribbon instead :) It's prettier.

Pictures later, I promise.

SO! Let's make a quick assessment of my original design. (Again is too lazy to scan it)

Yep, it's time to redesign the skirt :) I've got some fabrics in mind, as well as some ruffly skirts in my closet, that I think I'll use :D

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19, 2:21 pm

Right, shirt is sitting on my lap right now, as I am being distracted by writing, etc. :) The sleeves are attached, I am working on the gathered neckline to which I have added looks...simply marvelous.

Can you tell yet I am overly proud of my sleeves?

August 19, 9:50 AM

Good morning world!!!

With or without trim is the question...

10:55 am

With trim is the answer. Gathered the sleeves to fit the trim. Woo! One long seam-ripping session later...

12:20 pm

Sleeves are DONE!!! (almost). Look at it so far.

*Warm fuzzies of pride* On to the off the shouder neckline!

August 18, 9:50 am

OKAY! So sort of got sidetracked by my writing and brother's b-day celebration, but I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. Each half of the sleeve nowlooks like this:

Trippy, huh? Updates later :)

7:25 pm

Again, got distracted...but the main sleeves are together and gathered like in the chemise pattern and they look great!